Friday, August 15, 2003

The Arnis™?

Then again, there may be something to be said for Arnold after all.

Leaving aside his party affiliation and willing participation in yet another media-fueled, [m|b]illionaire-funded right-wing coup.

From Time:

In 1999 Schwarzenegger told George magazine of his bitterness about the frenzy over Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton and the waste of time and energy it represented. "That was another thing I will never forgive the Republican party for," he said. "I was ashamed to call myself a Republican during that period."

Goodness! And what changed from "that period" to this? W's "election"?

On the other hand, we also read this:

But Arnold may identify with Clinton for any number of reasons. Two years ago, when he first considered a gubernatorial run, Gary South, a strategist for Governor Gray Davis, sent reporters a story from Premiere magazine that accused the star of repeatedly groping female interviewers and detailed various extramarital shenanigans on the sets of his films—claims that Schwarzenegger denies.

"Identify" except for the detail that Arnold's approach doesn't seem (in this description) to, well, take the element of consent into account...

All hail the mighty Arnis™?

NOTE: I can't find the text of the original Premiere article, though many sources quote without supplying a URL—can any readers supply a pointer?

UPDATE: The original Premiere article, "Arnold the Barbarian", thanks to alert reader Seb. And no, consent doesn't seem to be a real concern for Arnold.