Tuesday, May 14, 2002

AintNoBadDude (whose permalinks aren't working) wonders why no one from the "Left" mounts a vigorous defense of their liberal/Democratic positions. Well, I had no idea that Matt Welch and Ken Layne were liberals until I noticed that they called themselves liberals. It isn't because they spend time on their blogs advocating a conservative agenda, it's because they spend all their time on their blogs ridiculing anyone to the Left of them. Hey, guys, no need - Sully, Jonah Goldberg, and practically everyone else in Blogsitan have got that beat covered. What, you think you need to establish your street cred so Instapundit and Tim Blair take you seriously? Is one more post criticizing Robert Fisk and Noam Chomsky, who only the 2.5% (generous estimate) that make up the Lefty fringe in this country pay any attention to , really adding anything to the debate? Leave the Right's favorite whipping boys to them. By continuing to talk about them you give credit to the idea that Al Gore and Noam Chomsky are one and the same, as Sully would have us believe, or that the Fifth Column in this country is headed by Terry MacAulliffe.

If you want to join in with Mickey Kaus and devote your existence to making the world safe for centrist Democrats, even though the vast majority of liberals in the media and in reality are centrist Democrats, feel free. But, when I started reading your Blogs I thought you were part of the Vast Instapundit Right Wing Conspiracy.

The Loony Left in this country is so much more marginalized than the Loony Right. It's mostly a mutual masturbation society with little wider influence. Isn't there anything better to do than attack Robert Fisk? He doesn't even write for a freakin' U.S. paper! Turn your guns on Jonah Goldberg or George Will or William Safire or Charles Krauthammer or Mike Kelly or Andy Sullivan or ....