Sunday, May 26, 2002


If the last 5000 outrageously offensively stupid things that have tumbled out of Bush's mouth haven't pissed you off, shouldn't this one?

That's in German (if anyone has a link to an article in English on this, let me know), but the gist is this. Bush was with Condi Rice and the Brazilian president Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Bush asks the president, "do you have Blacks too?".

Forget the coffee, I'm off to hunt down a bloody mary..

Helpful reader A.A. provides a translation of the last paragraph:

"Rice, 47, who noticed how the Brazilian was stunned by the question,
saved the situation by explaining to Bush, 'Mr. President, Brazil probably
has more blacks than the US; they say it's the country with the most
blacks outside Africa.' Afterwards Brazil's President Cardoso judged that,
as far as Latin America is concerned, Bush is 'still an apprentice.'"