Tuesday, October 29, 2002

One thing that the Left (whatever that means) doesn't have is a group of non-partisan sounding front organizations for everything. Today, for example, Paula Zahn was talking to Frank Gaffney from the "Center for Security Policy." Sounds like a very serious scholarly place. Well, Frank Gaffney writes for fine scholarly organizations like NRO, America Spectator Online, World Net Daily, and Jewish World Review and the organization is affiliated with Townhall.com

Paula didn't tell us any of this.

UPDATE: Digby adds:

Paula really should have mentioned that the CSP's Web site proudly notes that no fewer than 22 of the center's advisory council members now occupy key national security positions in the Bush administration.

She also could have noted that the CSP is almost 100% funded by defense contractors and that it is the single biggest funder of the Iraqi National Congress.

She could also have asked Frank why his CSP, which ostensibly studies global security threats, only wrote 2 reports on the threat of islamic terrorism from 1998 to 2001, while churning out thousands of pages about Iraq and other rogue states.

But, no. Not even a mention of the fact that he is one of the key disseminators of neocon cant in the national security establishment. He's just a dispassionate scientific think tank scholor, analysing the data and giving us his unbiased opinion.

Check this out.