Monday, January 27, 2003

Conservative ADHD

CalPundit says:

I'm willing to bet that a liberal is just a conservative with an ADHD kid.

In response to the fact that one can get an enraged rant about "mythical" ADHD out of a conservative almost as easily as one can get a rant about how homosexuality is a lifestyle choice. Though she hasn't quite come over to the liberal side, and frankly I wouldn't want her to, I'm always a bit amused when poor Mona Charen writes one of her "please! ADHD is real!" columns. I have no idea if Mona Charen has a kid with ADHD, actually, but it is pretty hard to discount the theory. So many conservatives and republicans have a pet cause which appears so out of character, until you realize it's affected them personally. Get a little empathy guys - we can be a bit concerned about bad stuff that happens other peoples' kids, too.