Wednesday, January 01, 2003

In comments below Reynolds says:

Actually, Josh and I emailed about this almost the minute it was posted. He wanted to be sure I realized he was quoting someone. I said yes, but your post says they're right. And I offered to change the post if he thought I was unfair.

He said no, but I nonetheless added a line making clear that he was quoting someone.

If I've learned anything, it's that people who call me a "conservative asshole" generally don't bring much to the argument.

To which I respond:

Nor do people who say that people who are against war in Iraq are objectively pro-Hussein.

In any case, agreeing with what he quoted in which a comparison was made between the situations at Ruby Ridge and North Korea is not the same thing as stating (or meaning) that there is a moral equivalence between Ruby Ridge and North Korea. But,you know that.