Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Helping the Iraqi People

Via Soundbitten, I see that Instapundit says:

Meanwhile, I wonder where all those celebrities who seemed to care so much about the Iraqi people when they were opposing the war have disappeared to now that it's won. Shouldn't they be organizing benefit concerts or something? Or was it all just posturing?

Um, why is this statement limited to those people who opposed the war? I mean, lots of people have claimed to care about the Iraqi people?

But, frankly, at this point I don't think private charity is really relevant. Our government now has the responsbility to help the Iraqi people with our tax dollars. That's what they signed us up to do. Private charity is great, but it shouldn't be necessary. Though, Bono is still one step ahead of him... No word yet on the charitable activities of Darryl Worley.