Friday, October 17, 2003

Apologies that Aren't Apologies

You know, when you screw up you say so and you don't keep trying to justify it. Prime example -- Gregg "The Idiot" Easterbrook.

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 16 — A senior editor at The New Republic has published a column on the Internet that deplores the violence in the film "Kill Bill" and criticizes Harvey Weinstein, the co-chairman of Miramax, which released the film, and Michael Eisner, chairman of the Walt Disney Company, as "Jewish executives" who "worship money above all else."

The article by the senior editor, Gregg Easterbrook, appeared Monday on The New Republic's Web site. Within the site, Mr. Easterbrook has his own "Easterblogg" column.

Mr. Easterbrook said on Thursday that he planned to apologize "for a really bad choice of words."


Mr. Easterbrook said he wrote a column last week about Mel Gibson's coming film "Passion," and added: "I raised the issue that Mel Gibson professes to be an ardent Christian. Maybe he is. But his background previous to this movie is making movies that glorify violence."

"I raised the exact same question about a Christian," Mr. Easterbrook said, and "there was not a single peep."

Now, even an idiot like me before having a cup of coffee can tell the difference. There are actually three main differences here.

You see, Mel Gibson is a self-professed ardent Christian. Weinstein and Eisner are just big Jewy Jews with big Jewy Jew names who, as far as I know, haven't spent a lot of time being self-professed anything.

Secondly, when Easterbrook decided to go after the big Jewy Jews, he didn't go after them over their supposed hypocrisy of their actions given their religious beliefs, but because somehow the history of the Jewish people - particularly the holocaust - gave them some kind of moral obligation.

Third, and this is the only one that Easterbrook seems to have somewhat copped to, is the fact that you don't go around accusing Jews of being "money-grubbing" any more than you dress in blackface or caricature African-Americans with watermelon and fried chicken. These are coded words/images which in other contexts would be harmless.

So, accusing Gibson of hypocrisy because of his religious beliefs may or may not be a valid charge, but there is nothing bigoted about it.

And, so, Easterbrook apologizes but doesn't apologize, and TNR stands behind him. Pathetic.

(via Ailes)

UPDATE: More non-apology apologies. He flagellates himself a bit more on his blog, but he says that he just mangled his words. Bullshit. It is as if I wrote the following:

It is true, of course, the black people are stupid. We shouldn't ignore the fact that some white people are also stupid.

And then tried to argue that I hadn't intended to distinguish white people from black people, because I said some white people were stupid too.

....there's some more discussion over at Medianews.

UPDATE 2: Just want to correct an error - in the post I put "money-grubbing" in quotes, and shouldn't have. That wasn't the phrase Easterbrook used. Here's what he said:
Does that make it right for Jewish executives to worship money above all else, by promoting for profit the adulation of violence?