Friday, October 17, 2003

WSJ - Full of It?

So, reader Steve directs us to this Opinion Journal (WSJ) piece claiming that Mississippi'sGovernor Ronnie Musgrove has attended CCC events.

I couldn't find any mention of this little factoid anywhere else, but reader ajc does find some affirmation of this. Musgrove did indeed attend a meeting of the Memphis Center City Commission.

...UPDATE: Apparently they're correct. Musgrove has attended in the past. And, he should distance himself from the CCC in the strongest language possible. And, if he doesn't, I'll endorse Haley Barbour for governor.

...okay, the Black Hawk Rally and the CCC or not one and the same. It appears they sponsor the thing, which makes it shitty, but also have their own private pow-wow. Both black and white politicians attend the thing, which I can't get my head around.