Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Porn of Mass Destruction

This is just unbelievable:

Army Capt. James Yee (search), who worked at the prison camp for terror suspects in eastern Cuba, was released from custody Tuesday after being served with the additional charges, Raul Duany, a spokesman for U.S. Southern Command in Miami, told The Associated Press.

He was arrested earlier this year in Florida and confined to the military brig in Charleston, S.C.

Military officials brought the additional charges after an investigation, Duany said. The charges include storing pornographic images on his computer, having sexual relations outside marriage, disobeying an order and making a false official statement.

Especially, since just yesterday we had:

WASHINGTON - The Army chaplain charged with mishandling classified material at the U.S. prison camp in Cuba says he has been held in harsh conditions, barred from practicing his Islamic faith, and deprived of his legal right to a speedy trial.

Army Capt. James Joseph Yee, a West Point graduate, laid out his complaints in a letter that his attorney sent yesterday to President Bush. Yee was arrested in September.