Thursday, March 11, 2004

Scare me once, shame on you, etc.

Byron York has an opinon piece over at the, in which he cites polls that purport to show that Democrats just aren't worried enough about terrorism. In fact, he finds it disturbing that in exit polls, 76% of Democrats are more concerned about the economy than they are about terrorism. In contrast, 48% of Republicans have said that terrorism in their greater concern, versus around 46% who have said it is the economy.

Rather than drawing the obvious conclusions one might draw from these statistics - that more Democrats are out of work than Republicans, or that more Republicans than Democrats are apt to let Dear Leader's scary stuff get to them, Byron just decides that Democrats are dangerously slack on terrorism. He also faults Big John for continuing, as he sees it, to approach the problem as one of law enforcement rather than as a war.

I think it's worthwhile to stop a minute and think about that. There seems to be a divide in the country on this issue. On the one hand there are people who are content, as it were, to be both afraid and vengeance-driven in their response to 9/11. Those are both emotional responses. On the other hand are those who see terrorism as one problem - albeit a major one - in a world full of problems. You know which response I think is more reasonable. But one can't help but wonder where the GOP might take the campaign, based on such polling data...