Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Beauty is Skin Deep

But ugly goes right to the bone, as they say. Normally I try to be above such things, but I'm struck by the Corner's Kathryn Jean Lopez insulting of the [edit - should read - LINKING TO THOSE WHO INSULT THE] looks of the women who attended the March for Women's Rights this past weekend. According to K. Lo [edit - SOMEONE SHE LINKS TO], "these were some ugly wimmin."

I thought I'd saved my picture of K. Lo to disk, to have it in my back pocket just in case they need ever arose. But, I'm unable to find it. Let's just say there's a reason that one cannot find a picture of her anywhere on the internet - and, in fact, she seems to have taken pains to have them removed from internet archives.

Ugly is as ugly does.

...okay, my bad, sorry, posted before coffee. A reader points out that K. Lo didn't say it, she just linked approvingly to a blogger who posts a bunch of pictures from the march, containing editorial comments on the looks of the people at the march. Apologies.