Thursday, June 10, 2004

More on Ads

(and, yes, I know most people reading don't care about this. Feel free to skip this post.)

Steve G. has some more on advertising on blogs. Let me add first that my earlier post on this was limited to the wisdom of candidates spending their advertising dollars on blogs.

But, more generally, from what a few correspondents who know have told me in email, my (and Kos's and Kevin Drum's and Instapundit's) ad rates are still at the low low end of the range. My ad rates bounce around quite a bit (I lower them when the number drops and raise them again when it raises), but currently my most expensive ad goes for $800 for a week (top left premium ad). This site has gotten 717,413 page views in the past week, meaning that the cost per thousand impressions (CPM) is just over a dollar. For a standard ad, which usual goes for about $200/week, that falls to a quarter CPM.

I know little about advertising and won't speculate on the effectiveness of any form of advertising, but from what people have told me that's at the low end and lower than the going rate.