Friday, February 11, 2005

That darn SCLM

A-man will return. While you're waiting, look at this interesting new poll:

WASHINGTON - Americans are feeling a bit more optimistic about the future of Iraq, a bright spot for the administration in an Associated Press poll that indicates many are souring on President Bush's job performance.

Half in the AP-Ipsos poll, 51 percent, said they think a stable, democratic Iraq is likely, up slightly from the 46 percent who felt that way before the Iraq elections.

"From what I hear in the news, it sounds like the Iraqis really want it," said Bill Harrer, a nurse's aide in Mason City, Iowa, who considers himself a political independent. "But it's going to take a long time."

Hmmmm. Meanwhile, back at the ranch:

The uptick in sentiment about Iraq was not matched by increasing optimism about how things are going at home.