Friday, April 28, 2006

Fork it Over

Consider doing your part to help by donating to one of these fine candidates or any that you happen to personally favor.

People always talk about money in politics, but the truth is for most House races not all that much is spent. The big bucks go to statewide Senate races, and a couple of big ticket close House races in expensive media markets, but otherwise not all that much is spent.

Consider: In 2004, Lois Murphy spent about $1.9 million. That sounds like a lot, but consider a campaign lasts about a year. You need at least some paid staff, and office, all the printed materials (lawn signs, bumper stickers, etc...), and of course some paid media in an expensive media market. There are in the neighborhood of 750,000 people in the district (I pulled that number somewhat out of my, er, hat), so that comes to less than $3/person. This was one of the more expensive races.