Friday, March 09, 2007

Why Your Blog Sucks

Possible reasons not as many people read your blog as you would like:

1) You don't post often enough. People click on a website regularly when they expect it to have new content. If you're a thoughtful writer who tends to write longer essays then you're at a disadvantage. On the other hand, Glenn Greenwald provides a pretty good model of how to make this work: generally one post per day, followed by a couple of updates, and some participation in his comments section. Oh, and truly excellent, original, and important content.

2) Your page design sucks. I know there are some blogs I'd read more often if the design was more appealing to me. I'm not talking about sexy and beautiful, I'm talking about basic readability issues. For example, light text on dark background makes my eyes bleed.

3) You need to get some mad blogwhoring skills. Look, good marketing/PR is a skill. There are lots of ways to try to get attention. And, believe it or not, people like me don't have the entire interwebs jacked into our cerebral cortices. If I'm not linking to your awesome blog it's quite possible I'm not aware of its awesomeness.

4) Your blog actually sucks. Maybe you're just not offering something that is original and timely enough. Maybe you don't have a good sense of what is or isn't important. Maybe your readers don't know what the hell you're talking about most of the time. Maybe you're not as funny as you think you are. Who knows?

5) You post all your best stuff as diaries at Daily Kos. Great way to get some attention and a quick readership, but it isn't a great way to encourage people to come to your site. Why should they? They can read you there.

6) A sizable chunk of your content involves complaining about people not reading or linking to you. There's an audience for this, but the territory is rather overcovered in the blogosphere.

7) An elite cabal of bloggers, all on the Hillary Clinton for President campaign payroll, have conspired to suppress your original voice by any means necessary, including the implementation of very elitist and anti-democratic peer review systems such as the open posting and "recommended diary" system at Daily Kos. This is certainly an interesting theory, and one which several blogs seem to be devoted to exploring, but absent further evidence you might want to look for alternative explanations.