Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Bailing Out The Shitpile

Floyd Norris:

How much will the Fed lend against illiquid assets? It has a public list, already in use in discount window lending. You will note that it allows the lending of up to 85 percent of the face value of AAA-rated collateralized mortgage obligations, if there is no observable market value. There are some C.M.O.’s out there that have not yet been downgraded but that might not bring that much in a sale.

I’d love to see which assets are pledged, and how much the Fed lends against them. But the Fed won’t disclose those facts. Nor will it let us know which banks borrow using the new facility.

That definitely is rewarding bad behavior. Put up your chunk of Big Shitpile as collateral, pretend it's worth face value instead of, you know, nothing, and laugh... all the way to the bank.