Monday, January 14, 2008

Hard To Be A Blogger

Have I mentioned I hate primary season? If I had a real favorite candidate and I felt like a supporter I'd enjoy it a bit more as a blogger. Presumably my candidate would lose, but at least I'd feel like I was fighting the good fight.

Aside from the occasional vanity issues we pursue, political blogging is largely reactive to news and events. The primaries dominate everything, so unless I want to spend my time writing about the candidate back-and-forth or the horse race there just isn't as much to talk about.

There are issues too, of course, but at this point in the campaign it's all about posturing, really. The two frontrunners are senators, and I wish they'd show us some of those leadership skills by engaging in a little Senatoring, but I've long given up hope that any of that will happen.

I do appreciate that there are those who have chosen a candidate and are enthusiastically supporting them. Unlike some, I actually think it's a good thing that supporters can still "fall in love" with a candidate instead of being the cynical jaded old man I've become. Sure some supporters can be annoying - those who fail to understand that some people simply have different priorities, and therefore a different candidate, than they do - but candidates and the process need them.

Maybe I'll write about biofuels more.