Thursday, October 07, 2010

Things I Still Don't Understand

We have a revenue collection system in place which fairly closely approximates a "per mile" fee. To the extent that it deviates from a per mile fee it deviates in good ways. It rewards smaller vehicles that do less damage to roads. It rewards cars with better gas mileage which do less damage to the environment. There is no need to add on an additional administration and collection system. If you want to raise the gas tax, just raise the goddamn gas tax.

A major increase in the federal gas tax, which has remained unchanged since it was bumped to 18.4 cents per gallon in 1993, might be the most politically palatable way to boost revenue in the short term, the report said, but over the long run, Americans should expect to pay for each mile they drive.

"A fee of just one penny per mile would equal the revenue currently collected by the fuel tax; a fee of two cents per mile would generate the revenue necessary to support an appropriate level of investment over the long term," the report said.