Sunday, September 25, 2011

No Experience With Urban Hellhole Living

I get that this is hyperbole, but it's still largely how a lot of people view "cities," as collections of skyscrapers.

t might not work for Matt, but for a lot of people, a lifestyle outside of a 3,000 unit apartment high rise is a better choice for some. What, pray tell, is wrong with this?

Live where you want, yadda yadda, if you like small towns or rural areas enjoy! But single family housing, especially but definitely not necessarily attached single family housing, is perfectly compatible with population densities that can sustain quality walkable urban living. I'm reasonable sure most people see West Philadelphia/University City as "urban," and its housing stock is largely made up of very large Victorian duplexes. Some of these have been converted into apartments over time, of course, but plenty are just attached single family homes with decent yards, etc...