Monday, June 17, 2013

A truly fine reporter on stuff that matters

Everybody knows by now (because it's true) that Marcy Wheeler is one of the very best reporters anywhere, in any medium, on important national issues, and we were very lucky recently that she was able to appear twice on Virtually Speaking shows on timely subjects. Jay Ackroyd interviewed her on the heels of Obama's drone speech, and listeners had a lucky break a few days later when she was on the Sunday show and her co-panelist's internet connection went down long enough to give Marcy time to say a lot more than she might otherwise, about the way the administration managed to paper over its egregious violations of press freedom in the so-called "war on media" with a brilliant piece of co-optation - just as the Bradley Manning trial was about to start. There's a real cornucopia of information in these two shows and I heartily recommend them to anyone who really wants to know what's actually going on.

A point to remember about all this when we're talking about keeping information from "the enemy": This is all information that "the enemy" already knows because, you know, when you've run drone strikes on people, it's not a secret to them. The "enemy" who is being kept in the dark by any administration that practices this kind of secrecy, war on whistle-blowers, and treating a nominally free press as traitors, is the American people.