Monday, April 07, 2014

Working for the Forever Weekend

The reality of life in the Brave New Economy of the 21st Century.
In March, of the 192,000 jobs created, 30,000 were in food services. Restaurants and bars have added 323,000 workers over the past year, but Dublin is earning a fraction of what she used to make.
"The first time I came home and saw a foreclosure notice taped to my front door and my sons saw it, that was a really bad day," Dublin says.
This is nothing to do with "hard work"; this is to do with a massive public policy failure. Our Rulers have rejected an America of opportunity, preferring instead an America of Scroogery.

Tara Dublin is by the way a creative, energetic, and hilarious person, and someone I met today because certain wingnuts decided to gang up on her on Twitter. Give her love here.