Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Back to the Past

Grifter Huckabee is in. We're all supposed to believe in the regular folks just a nice guy vision of him. He's quite obviously a profoundly nasty man, even aside from policy preferences. But since everyone has amnesia about what really happened in the 90s and after, we can have one reminder.

Wayne DuMond was convicted of raping a distant relative of Bill Clinton. Before trial, he claimed that vigilantes broke into his house and castrated him, though there is some suspicion that this was self-mutilation. This of course evolved into a widespread belief on the right that Klintoon had sent his thugs to avenge his relative, or at the very least DuMond was an innocent man unfairly incarcerated. This was touted in media outlets, both left and right (mostly), for years. While he later tried to distance himself from this, obviously due to pressure from the fever swamps, Huckabee had supported DuMond's early parole. Not long after, DuMond was convicted for rape and murder of another woman, and was a suspect in yet another rape and murder.