Thursday, July 09, 2015

We've Made Nice With Everybody Else

I guess maybe not Iran or North Korea, but the ridiculousness of our anti-Cuba policies for so many years is, well, ridiculous. That we are BFFs with Saudi Arabia pretty much nullifies any "human rights" justification for anything we do, but more than that nobody know what the supposed "goals" of our Cuba stance is anymore. Notionally left wing governments are EEEEEVUUUHHHL and notionally right wing governments are just awesome, no matter what they do.

I've been to Cuba (legally). It ain't paradise, but its flaws mostly aren't how they're portrayed here. I've long been "amused" that Castro's treatment of gay Cubans was held up as evidence of his evilness. Yes he was horrible in the early days of the AIDS crisis, as we were. When I was there it was Pride in Havana and and rainbow flags were everywhere.

Anyway, my point isn't to defend Fidel Castro-era Cuba, or even Cuba now. It's just that whatever its flaws, we're good buddies with plenty of countries that obviously have bigger flaws.