Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Guest Post from Morris Meyer

The Morris Meyer camapaign asked to send a message to all my readers, and I happily obliged. Meyer is running against a truly toxic Texan, Joe Barton. So, here's Meyer making his case for your support:

Congressman Joe Barton is now the chairman of the House Energy and Commerce - which puts him in control of the funding for the EPA. He has a decades long record of putting polluters before people. We recently scored a victory against Barton by keeping the pressure on to keep his home county with its polluting cement plants in the EPA non-attainment area.

We are fighting a man with complete disregard to human life. In 2002 when Barton was told that the radioactive casks stored in the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste site were defective he uncaringly replied "We're all going to die".

After the explosion at the UN headquarters in Iraq, "Smokey" Joe Barton claimed that the UN is on the side of the terrorists.

Congressman Joe Barton recently testified as a character witness during the trial of a congressional staff worker who later plead guilty to raping a homeless young mother at gunpoint. The staff worker was allowed to use resources from the congressman's office to mount his defense.

We received 74 more votes in the Texas primary than Barton, an early near endorsement from his hometown paper and are on track to take back this seat because "Smokey" Joe is such a horrible piece of work. We need $100,000 by May 15th to impress the DCCC and the large Democratic donors that this race can be won and send Tom DeLay's chief thug home for good.

Please send us some turkee!

You can check out Meyer's campaign site here.