Sunday, May 16, 2004

I Hate Blind Items


On a recent trip to New York, I visited a gay bar on the Upper East Side, where I met a familiar-looking man wearing an expensive suit and excessive makeup. After a drink or two, I realized that he was one of the star anchors at Fox News Network, that tool of the conservative right masquerading as a “fair and balanced” news operation.

He wouldn’t admit his identity, only that he “worked for News Corporation,” the parent company of Fox, so I played dumb and let him buy another round of martinis.

At 3 a.m. and after more than a few drinks, the closeted Fox star could barely balance on his bar stool.

Aside from the gossip, the column is about the importance of gay visibility at this time. I agree - I think it's critical for the gay rights movement that more people are "out." But, that of course is a general statement -- individuals face their own situations and consequences and have to decide on their own to make such decisions (though public figures don't and shouldn't necessarily have that luxury.)

But, nothing will diffuse the Hate the Gays movement more than people's realization that people they know and are related to are gay.