Sunday, May 16, 2004

Krauthammer Flashback


MR. PETERSON: And what's it going to cost the economy? What was the Gulf War, about $61 billion?

MR. KING: Most of it picked up by foreigners.

MR. PETERSON: Eighty percent, right, by our allies?

MR. KING: Yes.

MR. PETERSON: This one we'll have to finance ourselves; won't we?

MR. KRAUTHAMMER: If we win the war, we are in control of Iraq, it is the single largest source of oil in the world, it's got huge reserves, which have been suppressed because of Iraq's actions, and Saddam's. We will have a bonanza, a financial one, at the other end, if the war is successful.

MR. KING: Do we go it alone, Charles? Do we go it alone or do what we tried to do in the Gulf War, and build a coalition to go in there.

MR. KRAUTHAMMER: You go with as many as you can, and that's how you do it.

MR. PETERSON: What if the military campaign spreads to Saudi Arabia? How will the generals feel about that?

MR. KRAUTHAMMER: That would be wonderful. I like it.

Think about the fact that the Washington Post editors let this sick and twisted person pollute the pages of their "respectable" newspaper -- an advocate for using taxpayer money and the lives of soldiers to go and plunder a country's natural resources. It's within the bounds of acceptable discourse to support the murder of thousands of innocent people for a financial bonanza.