Friday, November 13, 2015

Also, Too, Shut Off All The Plumbing Systems?

The Superbowl Committee has a cunning plan to destroy some of San Francisco's public transit system.

In conversation with The Examiner, Supervisor Jane Kim confirmed the Super Bowl 50 Committee's desire to pull down Muni wires.

“The [Super Bow] committee has been very open about it," explained Kim. "They’ve said that’s what they want. They’ve definitely been asking to take down the overhead wires on Market Street.”

The right answer is, of course, "fuck off," but the likely answer is, "yes, please, and we will pay for it."

If you want to have your event in a densely populated area, deal with it. If not find a big suburban parking lot somewhere like, you know, Santa Clara.

(ht reader rhymes with mofo)