Friday, May 10, 2024

Friday Night

Rock on.

Happy Hour

Get happy.

Caption Contest



America's Worst Governor

Josh Shapiro.

Team Stephens

Not gonna read it but you know what this is about.

Anyway, there are  a lot of people who have been on Team Stephens for the past several months who wouldn't normally find themselves there, and I do suggest they might ask themselves if they are standing on the right stage.

When all the worst people in the country agree with you, maybe you should have a rethink.

Sounds Bad

Only published because there are Israeli whistleblowers of course.
They paint a picture of a facility where doctors sometimes amputated prisoners’ limbs due to injuries sustained from constant handcuffing; of medical procedures sometimes performed by underqualified medics earning it a reputation for being “a paradise for interns”; and where the air is filled with the smell of neglected wounds left to rot.
Don't know what the kids are mad about.
“They stripped them down of anything that resembles human beings,” said one whistleblower, who worked as a medic at the facility’s field hospital.

“(The beatings) were not done to gather intelligence. They were done out of revenge,” said another whistleblower. “It was punishment for what they (the Palestinians) did on October 7 and punishment for behavior in the camp.”



Thursday, May 09, 2024

Happy Hour

Get happy

Whoopsie Doodle

Came so close to getting rid of this guy a few times against IMMENSE opposition from his colleagues (And, yes, I get that they are going to support incumbents, but there is support and then there's SUPPORT).

Two political consultants agreed to plead guilty to charges that they conspired with U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar to launder more than $200,000 in bribes from a Mexican bank, according to recently unsealed court documents that show the consultants are cooperating with the Justice Department in its case against the Laredo Democrat.
Cuellar endorsed George Bush in 2000!!!

Who Would If They Have Choices

Of course most people can't/won't just move from their existing homes/careers/families, but if you are plotting a move and have a choice, you would be making a huge mistake to go to a state where abortion is banned.
According to new statistics from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), for the second year in a row, students graduating from U.S. medical schools were less likely to apply this year for residency positions in states with abortion bans and other significant abortion restrictions.
And as it is necessary to keep pointing out: the problem with abortion bans isn't simply to do with "abortion" as envisaged in The Discourse, though that is a big deal too! Women can't expect to receive acceptable health care in any state where abortion is banned, especially, but not just, if they are pregnant.

After All I've Done For You

Sadly I expect this is mostly kayfabe.

Ben-Gvir is the psycho Minister of National Security.




I don't think it's stated often enough a big part of "backlash politics" isn't about a backlash to the Kenyan Muslim president, but a backlash to age of consent laws and similar.
A bipartisan bill that would outlaw all child marriages in Missouri has run into resistance from Republicans in the Missouri House that could prevent it from becoming law.

“Why is the government getting involved in people’s lives like this?” Van Schoiak said. “What purpose do we have in deciding that a couple who are 16 or 17 years old, their parents say, you know, ‘you guys love each other, go ahead and get married, you have my permission.’ Why would we stop that?”
Whatever one thinks about 17-year-olds marrying each other, that's a bit of deflection about what this is really about. 
The legislation is personal for Rehder, who was married at age 15 to her 21-year-old boyfriend in 1984. A year earlier, her sister, at age 16, married her 39-year-old drug dealer, she has said.

Medical Devices

Above my pay grade, but I've heard enough stories to suggest the regulation is not what it needs to be.
More than 200 people with diabetes were injured when their insulin pumps shut down unexpectedly due to a problem with a connected mobile app, the US Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday.

Version 2.7 of the t:connect Apple iOS app – used with the t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ – has been recalled due to a software issue that causes the app to crash and relaunch. This cycle drains the pump battery, causing it to shut down sooner than expected and suspend insulin delivery.
No idea who is to blame here, but having dealt with my inlaws and hearing aids, whenever Apple does an iOS update, there's a good chance the hearing aid app breaks in some way, and that is not a system you can put life sustaining devices on.


It never matters much because if one horrible person goes, then another one just takes their place, but still it's funny.



Wednesday, May 08, 2024