Monday, May 13, 2002

Conservative Crackup Alert!!

The Bull Moose commits ultimate sin! Calls Clinton a conservative! Says Conservatives may come to miss him! Will soon lose his keys to the VRWC executive washroom!

Bill Clinton, Conservative. The Moose muses that, up until this point, the previous Presidency may be viewed as more conservative than the current one.

Politics moves in mysterious ways. President Bush has already signed into law a dramatic expansion of the federal role in education. He has violated free trade principles by signing on to increasing trade tariffs (taxes) for steel and lumber. W is about to put his John Hancock on a monstrous farm bill that reverses the conservative reform farm legislation passed a few years ago. After a period of surpluses, we now have deficits as far as the eye can see.

Will conservatives soon grow nostalgic for the Clinton good old days?