Saturday, May 11, 2002

I'm really looking forward to the day when all of the citizens of Blogistan who know nothing of Dutch politics stop talking about...Dutch Politics. But, what Crazy Andy says here [WARNING SULLIVAN LINK ALERT] * doesn't make any sense:

By the way, Fortuyn's party is not "anti-immigration." It fully supports the right of every current immigrant in Holland to stay and be assimilated. All it wants is an end to
further immigration in a country the size of Maryland** with a population of 16 million.

Immigration is a flow, immigrants are a stock. Fortuyn can be anti-immigration and pro-immigrant (whether he really was is a separate debate). Is Andy stupid or just trying desperately to score dumb points as usual? Who can tell anymore...

*some of my readers have expressed a desire for me to explicitly warn them when I link to Biggie the Neck as they do not wish to give him any hits or be exposed to his power glutes.

**originally Rhode Island.