Saturday, June 22, 2002

From El Pais:

Un encuentro de cuartos de final de un Mundial lo dirige un trío arbitral de países del extrarradio futbolístico, que sólo están en el campeonato por la "generosidad" de la FIFA, que acostumbra a pagar favores en los despachos con designaciones de este tipo. La consecuencia es una cadena de errores que condicionan un Mundial.


A match in the quarter finals of the World Cup is overseen by a trio of referees from countries in football's fringe who are only in the World Cup due to the "generosity" of FIFA, whose custom is to pay favors by giving out these assignments. The consequence is a chain of errors that shape a World Cup.

European teams, particularly Spain and Italy, are really embarassing themselves with their whining. Their sense of entitlement has been shattered and their response is beyond childish. The Spanish claims of 3 disallowed goals (somehow it grew from 2 to 3 overnight) is absolutely ridiculous - the plays were stopped before the shots were taken. Missed opportunities, not missed goals.

What a bunch of little crybabies, and the racist condescension some of their players and coaches, and especially their media, have displayed towards the Asian hosts, teams, as well as the other untraditional qualifiers, is an ignorant and pathetic expression of deeply ingrained European elitism.