Saturday, August 10, 2002

Hey, David Frum forgot to put Iran on the axis of evil!

Here's another reason Congress needs to deliberate, and soon: The Bush crew may get around the Iraq debate by attacking Iran first. According to multiple national security sources, plans for a "preemptive" strike against Iran's nearly completed nuclear reactor at Bushehr have already been developed. According to one source familiar with the plan, the logic behind it calls for debate, too. "The hawks believe that because the Iranians have given Hizbollah small arms, they're going to give them radioactive waste to make dirty bombs. I'm sorry, but state sponsors of terrorism are very reluctant to give up control of that stuff to surrogates," he says.

Update: Public Nuisance takes issue with this article. And, he's right. I actually don't have a problem with taking out this reactor. I think Israel's similar strike on Iraq once upon a time was a good thing.

Update 2: Wait, he did! So many evil ones..