Friday, August 16, 2002

Jeff Kramer, in Max's comments, has the best description I've seen of USS Clueless's (his name, not mine) latest diatribe:

When I read a Guardian's editorial saying (roughly) "capitalism-as-practiced results in poverty," I may say to myself "No, that's not the cause of poverty, and changing it won't be a cure," but it doesn't naturally occur to me to doubt that their motivation for wanting to do away with capitalism-as-practiced is because they want less poverty. Now you say I'm hopelessly naive, for they don't really want less poverty, they actually know that their prescription will destroy the Western world and they want us destroyed because we are what stands in the way of their real goal which is a global takeover by the faction they are really working for, which is of course AAAAAAAAAARRGGGGGHHH [the deadly shot from the hidden sniper finds its mark].

I'm sorry, but I don't know how else to take this talk about institutions of the left being "deliberately designed" for the ""long term goal" of "destroying our economy, because our economic might is part of what makes us formidable," and how all this seems self-evidently true to anybody obtaining his knowledge of the left from "Zmag and the Guardian." To me, OTOH, it seems self-evidently true that this is all a horseshit cocktail mixed from equal parts "Protocols of the Learned Elders of the Liberal Media" and the out-takes from "Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me."