Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Since the other latest talking point is that Bush vetoed the Smithsonian's "ridiculous bug and worm" projec as proof he was a Fiscal Conservative or something, let's remind ourself what that is. As Josh Marshall took the time to find out - this was in Bush's own budget proposal. And, more than that, far from being a silly project there's a good reason for the money.

And the reason is pretty clear. The current set up has the collection in 730,000 gallons of alcohol just a few blocks from the White House. "The issue is that, in theory, we have a potential bomb sitting there and it's in the middle of the mall in Washington," a spokesman for House Budget Committee Democrats told the AP.

So, before you repeat this one, Tucker Carlson and friends, destroy all the mirrors in your homes so you don't have to have to look at yourselves.