Wednesday, September 04, 2002

Norah sure knows how to win friends:

But, I must say that the so-called blogosphere, liberating as it can be, is—as I have had the misfortune of discovering in recent days—also full of nasty riffraff and wannabe pundits who because they haven’t an earnest, original idea in their heads, fill their empty existences sniping impotently at legitimate targets. By legitimate targets I mean people who have actually had some measure of success in their professional lives, people who get published regularly in the mainstream press because, yes, they have a certain degree of talent, but moreso because they have something more to say on a weekly basis than “boo hoo” or “look ma, no hands.”

We're all losers but you Norah.

Anyway, as a big chunk of Norah's hits over the last few days have come from me you'd think I woulda gotten a thank you note or something.*

* This is just a joke. I don't really think that people need to thank me if I link them.