Sunday, October 20, 2002

Blog Queen bad, Corner Good?

Let me get this straight - Instapundit won't link to liberal Blogs that use the word "Blog Queen" beacuse they're homophobic, but he links to The Corner , home of Rod Dreher who considers gay sex acts 'perversion'?

Oh give me a fucking break. This gets more ridiculous by the minute.

Let's see. Instapundit also links to 'The Greatest Jeneration' who has adopted's hilarious witticism in unleashing a rant against The Gay Lady for daring to publish same sex union notices.

Ah well, anything to redirect attention from the simple fact that Instapundit thinks the symbolism of universities not seeming "anti-military" is more important than universities following their own codes which prevent them from allowing recruiters who engage in discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

UPDATE: Mat adds:

Oh, and I see Glenn also links to "Gene Expression," home of the maniacal and creepy "godlesscapitlaist," who espouses views that are equal parts Herbert Spencer (for the uneducated, he's the guy who devised the "Social Darwinism" theory), Joseph Mengele, and G. Gordon Liddy.

Mr. godlesscapitalist claims that he can "prove" the genetic inferiority of African-Americans, and his cure for their having that goddamn pesky "nigger gene" is a little boost of their genetic code by such esteemed geneticists like, lo and behold, godlesscapitalist! You know, pump a little more recombined "whitey" code into their DNA! How radical! We don't have to bother educating them and improving their social status; all we need to do is make them less "colored," less "nigger"--and please pardon that expression, but that's pretty much what he's saying on his blog.

Wow, Glenn, thanks for linking us to that freak. It's good to know these "Libertarian-Conservatives" like godlesscapitalist are leading the way to produce a more genetically-superior race of colored folks.

Maybe godlesscapitalist can also prove all homos have a genetic flaw he can fix too, right? Why, wouldn't we be better off without all those negroes and fags anyhow? Like making a better tomato, we can also use gentics to rid ourselves of this annoying vermin who are a threat to good, smart, and talented white people in the 'burbs. Puh-leeeeezzzz! Spare me, you fucking wacko!

Ole Instapundit probably doesn't even recognize the attendant irony in his bullshit. Fuck him and his 22,000 hits a day. I wouldn't want his demographics.

UPDATE: How could I overlook the fact that Glenn links to Letter from Gotham, the author of which recently, for no particular reason, referred to Whitney Houston as a "big druggy dyke."