Liberal Democrat radicals in the Senate are unconstitutionally obstructing our elected President, George W. Bush in fulfilling the mandate he was given by an overwhelming majority of the American electorate. Despite the historic speeches, reminiscent of Churchill, Webster and Cicero, our President has given to the American people describing in meticulous detail the intelligence connecting the leftist regime of Saddam Hussein to Al Qaeda and his plans to deploy weapons of mass destruction against the United States, these traitorous Democrat liberals continue to resist the will of our President and endanger the security of America.
The failed but fashionably dressed Democrat candidate Al Gore, in his ridiculous and subversive speech in San Francisco, tried to reinvent himself by stating that there is no need for new resolutions because existing resolutions regarding weapons inspectors are still in effect. But Gore, always a serial prevaricator, did not mention that the discredited Clinton administration had other domestic political problems and ignored UN resolutions. Because of this inaction on the part of the permissive Clinton regime, the UN statute of limitations will shortly expire making new UN resolutions imperative. For the weapons inspection system to operate, the UN must give our elected President, and leader of the Free World, the supreme enforcement authority.
Should the UN fail to act, the President does not need the questionable authority of the UN to protect US interests. But Congress must give our elected President the authority he needs to successfully prosecute the War on Terror by effecting a regime change in Iraq. Obstructionist Democrats must stop consorting with the enemy and performing as paid spokesmen for their ideological brethren in the Iraqi regime, and support the efforts of our elected President.
However, if congressional Democrats persist in their unconstitutional resistance to our elected President, he is free to act in accordance with his electoral mandate. Recent analysis by the Albert T. Beveridge Legal Center at the Heritage Foundation reveals that the President does not need congressional authority to wage just war despite the small print contained in the questionable and archaic documents cited by constitutionally revisionist Democrats. Constitutional scholar Jonah Goldberg agrees with this assessment because President Bush is accountable to a higher authority. God has not been preparing the English-speaking and Teutonic peoples for a thousand years for nothing but vain and idle self-admiration. He has made us the master organizers of the world to establish system where chaos reigns. He has made us adepts in government that we may administer government among savages and senile peoples.
Liberal Democrats have shown they cannot lead. They must follow or get out of the way. You people should support our elected President.
Saturday, October 05, 2002
Guest conservative commentator Snotglass weighs in: