Monday, October 28, 2002

I agree with Brad DeLong that TAPPED was being way to wimpy when they backed down from their attack on that lying idiot Ramesh Ponnuru over the fact that he claimed that Mondale was "a major advocate of President Bush's position on Social Security . . . " Even if we can forgive Ponnuru for the "honest mistake" part of his fraudulent claim due to his reliance on an AP report, his claim is about as true as someone claiming that I'm a 'big supporter of Bush's War on Terrorism' simply because I think terrorism is bad. TAPPED should stand by their original statement that Ponnuru "lied, pure and simple." The most generous interpretation is that Ponnuru made a very strong claim that he had no justification in making. I suppose this makes him not a liar per se, but simply someone who 'makes shit up.' I know this doesn't disqualify you from your key to the pundit green room, but it shouldn't stop others from pointing it out either.