Sunday, November 17, 2002

More liberal media.

think he would be a very interesting candidate. The question is, whenever you have candidates like that, though, such as like Bob
Kerry in the past and so forth, can they make it through a Democrat primary, and I'm skeptical.

BLITZER: He's a very smart guy.

LIZZA: He's a very smart guy. He's a Rhodes scholar, obviously he's a Vietnam vet. The interesting thing is what I've seen him say
on Iraq is not the hawkish position, he's not taking the hard-line position, he's actually worried that what we're doing in Iraq might
harm the war on terrorism.

BLITZER: He's been dovish. He's been much along the lines of Colin Powell on this whole issue.

LIZZA: But could be a great vice presidential candidate for a Democratic nominee who doesn't have national security bona fides.

BLITZER: He spent a little time in the last few weeks in New Hampshire. I know that because I've had him on my shows and we've
interviewed him from New Hampshire.

MALVEAUX: We've got a president who has not served, and you can't contest a president who has not served with someone

BLITZER: Bush was in the guard.

MALVEAUX: That doesn't count.

BLITZER: What do you mean?

MALVEAUX: Well, he went AWOL.


BLITZER: Let's move on, let's move on

Crosstalk was Wolf desperately trying to shut her up.