Wednesday, November 20, 2002

One step at a time...

Perhaps there's hope.

Appearing on C-SPAN Friday, Jack White, a former Time magazine columnist and now writer in residence at Howard University, pronounced liberal bias dead.

Said White: “Sooner or later I think we’re all going to have to acknowledge that the myth of liberal bias in the press is just that, it’s a myth. May have been true at one time, but it’s been beaten out of them, and I don’t think that they conform to that anymore.” Then singling out a popular target for liberals, he added, “Fox News is about as [blatantly] biased as you possibly could get.”

Time reporter Josh Tyrangiel took it a step further, suggesting in the Nov. 18 issue that conservatives now primarily control the media and influence elections. He wrote: “Even if Democrats pull together on some big issues, they’ll still have to overcome GOP bully pulpits in the White House and Congress — and a new reality: conservative bias in the media.”