Sunday, February 09, 2003


Is that Legal? Has more proof refuting Representative Coble's claim that the motivation for the internment of Japanese-Americans had anything to do with protecting them. If Coble were just an average member of the House we could just throw this on the pile of stupid bigoted things said by stupid bigoted Republicans. However, Coble is currently the head honcho of Homeland Security in the House (unintended alliteration). His comments demonstrate that he doesn't have the intelligence to do this important job, and his failure to apologize for them due to their historical innaccuracy despite the load of evidence provided by Is That Legal and David Neiwert demonstrates that he doesn't have the ethics.

He's gotta go.

And, in case we missed this one, Representative Myrick gives her expert opinion on why we have domestic security problems:

Myrick's comments came during a speech to the conservative Heritage Foundation last week about what she called Americans' lack of readiness to deal with future terrorist attacks. During a question-and-answer session, she spoke about danger within the country.

"You know, and this can be misconstrued, but honest to goodness (husband) Ed and I for years, for 20 years, have been saying, `You know, look at who runs all the convenience stores across the country.' Every little town you go into, you know?"

Simply because Arabs and Muslims and Arab/Muslim-Americans are in this country and controlling the Slurpee machines, we have a readiness problem. I love it when a group of "like-minded" folk get together.

As usual, the right wing of the blogosphere is all over this (snerk).