Sunday, March 23, 2003

Lessons Taught, Never Learned

Just now in the comments over at Oliver Willis's place I read the following:

I would like to point out that the number of "Japanese-Americans" who chose to abandon America and go back to Japan to fight against us was just shy of the number that were interned.
And there were very nearly the same number of Italians and Germans interned as Japanese. They, by the way, have never been given any reparations.
Regrettably, Black Muslims tend to practise a particularly anti-American form of Islam. That is grim reality. Ignore or deny it if you like.
I don't think we have the luxury of ignoring it any longer.
That said, the man should be tried for his crime based on the circumstances of the case, without regard to race or religion.

Posted by Toren at March 23, 2003 03:59 AM
Agreed Toren, especially on the last sentence.

Also, although I can't find it anymore, I do remember reading that we had decoded intercepts that pretty clearly indicated that coastal Japanese-americans were indeed feeding intel to the enemy.

Interestingly, by the time these transmissions were released to the public, internment/relocation had already gone down in public history as unjustifiable, and historians couldn't be troubled to update that judgement. Much like the Soviet relevations that McCarthy was correct in fact but not in method never caused the left to even blink.

Arthur Silber has some thoughts on related issues.

I could spend all day on this, but people who have internalized so much ignorance and stupidity to justify their politics and bigotry probably aren't worth bothering with.