Sunday, June 22, 2003

Slow food

Saw a sign downtown yesterday for "Philly Cheese Steak with Pepperoni" ... And that got me thinking about food... And that made me think of the Slow Food movement.

If you believe, as I do, that "impunity" is one feature of the corporatist state that aWol and his gang of thugs, thieves, and Pharisees are building for us -- impunity for big corporations and the very rich, that is -- then you might have concerns about corporate food.

And your concerns about corporate food might range all the way from disease organisms (because aWol is gutting regulation) to genetic and other modifications ("Just a few harmless alkaloids," as Pohl and Kornbluth put it in their all-too-true novel, The Space Merchants).

The Slow Food movement is one antidote to corporate food. Plus, slow food tastes better.