Sunday, July 20, 2003

It's the credibility, stupid

Another Bush claim discredited. Dana Milbank of WaPo writes:

The White House, in the run-up to war in Iraq, did not seek CIA approval before charging that Saddam Hussein could launch a biological or chemical attack within 45 minutes, administration officials now say.

The claim, which has since been discredited, was made twice by President Bush, in a September Rose Garden appearance after meeting with lawmakers and in a Saturday radio address the same week. Bush attributed the claim to the British government, but in a "Global Message" issued Sept. 26 and still on the White House Web site, the White House claimed, without attribution, that Iraq "could launch a biological or chemical attack 45 minutes after the order is given."

The 45-minute claim is at the center of a scandal in Britain that led to the apparent suicide on Friday of a British weapons scientist who had questioned the government's use of the allegation.

Meanwhile, Bush has bagged $40 million for a campaign where (so far) he's running unopposed. Who's giving him the money? What planet can they be from? Planet Pinocchio, like our President?