Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Traditional Values

Dana Milbank tells us what the rest of the SCLM didn´t bother to:

In fact, Bush has expressed a firm opinion on the Texas sodomy law that the court ruled unconstitutional. He supported it. Human Rights Campaign, a gay-rights group, dug up an article from the Austin American-Statesman of Jan. 22, 1994, titled "Bush promises to veto attempts to remove sodomy law." The newspaper reported:

"Gubernatorial candidate George W. Bush on Friday promised he would veto any attempt by the Texas Legislature to remove from the state penal code a controversial statute outlawing homosexual sodomy. Bush, a Republican, was asked about the sodomy statute shortly after speaking to the Veterans of Foreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliary.

" 'I think it's a symbolic gesture of traditional values,' he said."

But, why on Earth would Milbank phrase it this way - that a gay rights group had "dug up" this story. Finding this little tidbit didn´t exactly require some uppity homos scouring the library - it´s been widely circulated for years.