Monday, August 11, 2003

More Like This, Please

Jerome Doolitttle of Bad Attitudes has a great essay up:

Seemed” because the press absolutely cannot not have known. I knew. You knew. Everybody knew who was curious enough to search the internet, the overseas media, and even the inside pages of the American press itself.

The deadly drone planes aimed at the sacred heimat, the ominous aluminum tubes, Powell’s Winnebagos of Death, the menacing yellowcake from darkest Africa, the whole dodgy dossier — all the lies were shown to be false almost as soon as they were spoken.

You’d think that the liberal press would have connected all those phony dots before the invasion, and set out to pound the truth repeatedly into our heads until a little of it penetrated.

But you would be wrong. The editors and TV producers were waiting for validation from official reports, investigative findings, judicial rulings, testimony before Congress, and so on. Without that, serious and responsible attention simply could not be paid.

All of which is bullshit of purest ray serene.

The editors and the producers were waiting for the body bags, simple as that. Only when the public began to ask its own questions about the war did the papers and the talking heads dare to pile on. Only then were the lies of Bush and his men seen as worthy of a full-court press.

Go check the rest.