Wednesday, August 13, 2003

They Pay This Guy?

God, I'm at least 1.1X as smart as Donald Luskin. Why won't someone pay me to crank out stupidity day after day like this crap. Here Mr. Luskin has a problem with pronouns.

Krugman clamed to have spoken to a soldier just back from Iraq (wait a second ... Krugman said just last week that "we're stuck in Iraq indefinitely" ... what's this guy doing back home hob-nobbing with economics professors?).

You know, "we" as in the "U.S. military," or "we" as in our country.

Later Luskin goes on to complain about Krugman's use of the pronoun "one."

It doesn't get any stupider than this, folks. The National Review has become dumber than your typical talk radio program. Frightening. They say the problem with stupid people is they're too stupid to recognize just how stupid they are. Someone at the National Review has to know what fools Luskin makes them look. Or maybe not. This is the place that pays K. Lo, Jonah Goldberg, and the rest of idiots over at the Corner.

The scary part is how these gung ho Uber-Patriots feel free to trash the honesty of the troops in order to try and make the universe conform to their twisted notion of reality.

Krugman responds to his increasingly desperate critics.