Saturday, September 13, 2003

Identity Politics

Oh this is just hilarious:

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) The Maryland Republican Party moved Saturday to sever its ties with the Maryland Hispanic Republican Caucus after the caucus chairman criticized Gov. Robert Ehrlich for not appointing Hispanics to high-level jobs.

The party's executive committee voted 20-1 with two abstentions to recommend that the state central committee rescind a resolution recognizing the caucus as an affiliate of the state party. It also voted to create a new organization to reach out to Hispanic voters.

Two-thirds of the members of the state central committee, which meets in November, will have to approve the executive committee's recommendations for them to become effective. If they are approved, the caucus will not be able to use the elephant as a symbol or use the word ``Republican'' in its title, Kane said.

Haha. Love that sentence. It also voted to create a new organization to reach out to Hispanic voters.
Note to members of the MHRC - maybe you should think about switching affiliations.