Friday, October 31, 2003

Inverse Judo Flip

I'm sad to report I think Lou Dobbs is winning. I (we) managed to beat Wolf Blitzer into submission - he now usually, if not always, links to CNN's main page poll. Lou, however, has responded with increasingly ambiguously worded bizarre poll questions which are impossible to crack.

Today, however, he has crossed the line. The online poll he has up now says "Do you believe students should begin each school day reciting the pledge of allegiance without the phrase 'under God?"

I have to admit that's a work of art. A true masterpiece. If the answer is no, the implication is that students should "begin each school day reciting the pledge of allegiance with the phrase 'under God.'"

Okay, I'd grant him the Annual Goebbels-Luntz award for creative use of bullshit polls, except for one thing. Earlier the poll read "Do you believe students should begin each school day reciting the pledge of allegiance with or without the phrase 'under God?'"

All together now... HACK!

(thanks to David in Austin)